Pubblicazioni nell'ex Unione Sovietica e in Russia

  1. K. P. Buteyko, Sh. I. Shurgaya Functional Diagnostics of Coronary Heart Disease. - In: Symposium on Surgical Treatment of Coronary Disease. Synopsis of reports. Moscow, 1962, pp.42-43.
  2. K. P. Buteyko, D. V. Dyomin Crosscorrelation Analysis of Physiological Functions. Newsletter of the USSR AS, the Siberian Branch. 1963. N 6. Medicine and Biology Series. Issue 2.
  3. K. P. Buteyko, M. P. Odintsova, D. V. Dyomin Hyper- and Hypoxemia Effects on the Peripheral Vascular Tone // Materials of the Second Siberian Research Conference of Therapists. - Irkutsk, 1964.
  4. K. P. Buteyko, D. V. Dyomin, M. P. Odintsova Regressive Analysis in Differentiating Aerated Blood Gas Component Effects on Peripheral Arteriole Functional Conditions // Materials of the Second Siberian Research Conference of Therapists. - Irkutsk, 1964.
  5. K. P. Buteyko An Instruction for VBN Therapy for Bronchial Asthma, l Pectoris, High Blood Pressure and Obliterating Endarteritis: Preprint. - Novosibirsk, 1964.
  6. K. P. Buteyko, D. V. Dyomin, M. P. Odintsova Mathematical Analysis of Physiological Value Interconnections // Physical and Mathematical Analysis Methods in Biology and Medicine. Materials of the First Novosibirsk Conference. - Novosibirsk, 1965.
  7. K. P. Buteyko, D. V. Dyomin, M. P. Odintsova Ventilation of the Lungs and Arterial Vascular Tone Interconnection in Patients with High Blood Pressure and l Pectoris // Phyziologichny Zhurnal. 1965. V. 11, N 5 (in Ukrainian).
  8. K. P. Buteyko, D. V. Dyomin, M. P. Odintsova Relations between Alveolar Carbon Dioxide, Blood Pressure and Blood Cholesterol in Patients with High Blood Pressure and l Pectoris. Materials of the Third Siberian Research Conference of Therapists. - Irkutsk, 1965.
  9. K. P. Buteyko Crosscorrelation Methods of Physiological Regulation Analysis. Materials of the VII National Conference on Automated Control and Electric Measurement Methods. - Novosibirsk, 1965.
  10. K. P. Buteyko Multivariate researches of functional systems in biology and medicine // In: Reports of medical electronics section at the 9th regional scientific-technical conference dedicated to Radio Day. - Novosibirsk, 1966.
  11. K. P. Buteyko, D. V. Dyomin, M. P. Odintsova Relations between Alveolar Air Tension and Peripheral Arterial Tone in Patients with High Blood Pressure and l Pectoris // Zdravookhranenie Turkmenistana. 1966. N 2.
  12. K. P. Buteyko, D. V. Dyomin, M. P. Odintsova Carbon Dioxide Effects on Large Arteries in Patients with High Blood Pressure and Atherocardiosclerosis // Zdravookhranenie Kazakhstana. 1966. N 6.
  13. K. P. Buteyko, D. V. Dyomin, M. P. Odintsova A Linear Analog of Vascular Tone Regulation by Aerated Blood Gas Components // Report at the 9th Regional Research and Technology Conference Dedicated to Radio Day. - Novosibirsk, 1966.
  14. K. P. Buteyko et al. Voluntary Breathing Regulation Effects on Some Physiological Functions at High Altitude // Issues of Aviation Medicine. - Moscow, 1966.
  15. K. P. Buteyko, S. F. Chasovskikh, D. V. Dyomin Gage Phonocardiography Data in Indirect Definition of Lesser Circuit Hypertension Levels // Materials of the 4th Volga-Region Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology Conference. - Saratov, 1966. V. 1.
  16. K. P. Buteyko, M. P. Odintsova, D. V. Dyomin Hyper- and Hypoxemia Effects on Arterial Vascular Tone // Sovetskaya Meditsina. 1967. N 3.
  17. Z. M. Murakhtanova, K. P. Buteyko et al. External Respiration Characteristics of Patients with Scoliosis. Works of Novosibirsk Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. Novosibirsk, 1967.
  18. K. P. Buteyko et al. Employment of Correlation Methods for Cardiovascular System Examination // Mathematical Methods in Aviation and Space Medicine. - Moscow, 1967.
  19. K. P. Buteyko, D. V. Dyomin, M. P. Odintsova Informational Interrelation between the Cardiac Rhythm and Other Human Physiological Functions as per the Crosscorrelation Analysis Data. Mathematical Methods of Cardiac Rhythm Analysis. - Moscow, 1968.
  20. K. P. Buteyko, M. P. Odintsova, N. S. Nasonkina, Ventilation Test in Bronchial Asthma Patients // Vrachebnoe Delo. 1968. N4.
  21. K. P. Buteyko, M. P. Odintsova, Hyperventilation as One of the Causes of Bronchial Plain Muscle Spasms and Arterial Vasospasms // Materials of the 4th Conference on Remedial Gymnastics and Medical Control. - Saratov, 1968.
  22. K. P. Buteyko, Multivariate methods for investigation of cardiovascular system and respiration // In: Issues of Functional Diagnostics. Materials of the First scientifical-practical conference on functional diagnostics for doctors from civil aviation's organizations. - Novosibirsk. 1969.
  23. K. P. Buteyko A Theory of CO2-shortage Diseases as Civilization-s Adaptation to the Atmospheric Evolution // Cybernetic Aspects of the "Man-Environment" System Adaptation. Seminar. - Moscow, 1975.
  24. Synopsis of Reports at the 1st National Medical Conference on the Use of the VDBE Method. Rubtsovsk
  25. K. P. Buteyko Haemohypocarbia Therapy Method. Certificate of Authorship N 1067640. Registered in the USSR Governmental Registry of Innovations on September 15, 1983
  26. K. P. Buteyko, V. A. Genina Asthma Nosogenesis under Physical Loads // Drug-free Methods of Asthma Therapy. Synopsis of Reports at the National Conference. - Moscow, 1986.
  27. K. P. Buteyko, V. A. Genina Comparing the Substantiations and Efficiency of Multiple, Expectant and Monoetiological Treatments for Bronchial Asthma and Other Allergopathies. - Ibid.
  28. K. P. Buteyko, V. A. Genina A Theory of Deep Breathing (Hyperventilation) as the Main Cause of Allergies, Bronchovasopathies and Other Diseases of the Civilization. - Ibid.
  29. K. P. Buteyko, V. A. Genina, N. S. Nasonkina, Sanogenetic Reaction in VDBE Method Therapy. - Ibid.
  30. E. V. Putsintsev, Z. A. Varlamova, L. R. Mescheryakova, Remedial Gymnastics in Bronchial Asthma Therapy //Materials for the Institute-s Annual Research Session. - Novokuznetsk, 1967.
  31. K. V. Shelomova, Voluntary Breath Normalization in Remedial Gymnastics for Bronchial Asthma // Materials of the 4th Conference on Remedial Gymnastics and Medical Control. - Sverdlovsk, 1968.
  32. L. A. Panova Bronchial Asthma as a Model of Adaptation to the Changed Environment // Cybernetic Aspects of the "Man-Environment" System Adaptation. Seminar. - Moscow, 1975.
  33. S. M. Gavalov, V. A. Genina, R. F. Gavalova, Voluntary Breath Regulation in Multiple Bronchial Asthma Therapy in Children. - Saratov, 1978.
  34. V. A. Genina, I. R. Glushenko, Bronchial Asthma Average Conditional Value Development. Physical Measurement of Ecological System Parameters and Mathematical Handling of the Data. - Novosibirsk, 1982.
  35. V. A. Genina, Hyperventilation in Bronchial Asthma Nosogenesis and its Treatment by Lung Ventilation Reduction // Epidemiological Characteristics of Obstruction Lung Diseases in Various Professions. - Novosibirsk, 1982.
  36. V. A. Genina et al. The Voluntary Breath Normalization (VBN) Therapy of Children with Bronchial Asthma as per the Information from the 1st MMI Pediatric Clinic. // Pediatriya. 1982. N2.
  37. V. A. Genina, A Chronic Hyperventilation Elimination Method in Obstruction Syndrome Therapy. Obstruction Lung Disease Therapy. - Novosibirsk, 1985.
  38. K. P. Buteyko, Pneumotacheomether with the Stream of Air Automatic Choke /a Part of the Medical Combine/. v Izobretatel i Ratsionalizator, 1961, N 6, p.16; 1962, N 5, p.7.
  39. K. P. Buteyko, Gage Ballistocardiogram in Cardiovascular System Examination for Mitral Diseases. v Newsletter of the USSR AS, the Siberian Branch, 1962, N 8, pp. 120-121.
  40. K. P. Buteyko, Methodology and Clinical Significance of Direct Gage Ballistocardiography. Synopsis of the Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Medicine. Novosibirsk, 1962, 20p.
  41. K. P. Buteyko et al. Construction of Automatic Equipment for Ballistocardiogram Analysis. - In: Reports at the Conference on Automated Control and Electric Measurement Methods. Novosibirsk, 1962, p. 51.
  42. K. P. Buteyko, B. I. Makhbitch, G. S. Chudnovsky Jugular Phlebography in Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency Diagnostics. v Klinicheskaya Meditsina, 1963, N 5, p. 74.
  43. K. P. Buteyko, B. S. Sinitsyn Polar Correlation Method in Statistic Handling of Ballistocardiograms and Phonocardiograms. - In: Synopsis of Reports at the Conference on Automated Control and Electric Measurement Methods. Novosibirsk, 1963, p.
  44. K. P. Buteyko, E. A. Zhuk, V. I. Fufin Patent Arterial Canal ECG and ECG Measurement after the Canal. v Experimentalnaya Khirurgiya i Anesteziologiya , 1964, N 1, p. 11.
  45. K. P. Buteyko, N. G. Bury, N. V. Vaskova, Objective Diagnostics of Cardiac Diseases. v Meditsinskaya Promyshlennost, 1964, N 8, p. 21.
  46. K. P. Buteyko, E. A. Zhuk, A. L. MIkaelyan, Electrocardiogram for Isolated Aortal Stenosis. - Cardiologiya, 1964, N 2, p. 67.
  47. K. P. Buteyko, D. V. Dyomin, Physical Function Stationary Condition Interconnection Computer Research. - In: Materials of the 1st Leningrad Conference on Engineering Psychology Issues. Leningrad, 1964, pp. 55-56.
  48. K. P. Buteyko, D. V. Dyomin, Physiological Function Dynamics Computer Research. - In: Materials of the 1st Leningrad Conference on Engineering Psychology Issues. Leningrad, 1964, pp. 56-57.
  49. K.P. Buteiko, B.J. Mazhbich, G.S. Chudnovski, Jugular phlebography in diagnosis of tricuffiaency. - Federation Proc., transl, Suppl. 1964, v.23, N 2, p 11, p.304-306.
  50. K. P. Buteyko, A. V. Yakimenko, V. I. Lobanov, Semi-digital Transformer for Physiological Data Input in M-20 Computers. - In: Physical and Mathematical Analysis Methods in Biology and Medicine. Materials of the 1st Novosibirsk Conference. Novosibirsk, 1965, p.
  51. A. A. Borovkov, K. P. Buteyko, V. H. Zaslavsky, N. M. Sycheva, Statistic Optimal Methods of Gage Ballistocardiogram Anginal Pectoris Diagnostics. - In: Physical and Mathematical Analysis Methods in Biology and Medicine. Materials of the 1st Novosibirsk Conference. Novosibirsk, 1965, pp.61-62.
  52. K. P. Buteyko, V. P. Romashev, Modernized Thromboflexograph and its Practical Use. - In: Synopsis of Reports at the Conference of Innovators in Medicine. Novosibirsk, 1965, pp. 82-87.
  53. K. P. Buteyko, V. V. Kamesnkaya, O. M. Shabanova, Breathing Frequency Determination in People and Animals with the Help of Semiconductor Thermosensitive Sensor. - In: Synopsis of Reports at the Conference of Innovators in Medicine. Novosibirsk, 1965, pp. 170-172.
  54. K. P. Buteyko, Sh. I. Shurgaya, Functional Diagnostics of Coronary Disease. - In: Surgical Treatment of Coronary Disease. Moscow, 1965, pp.117-118
  55. K. P. Buteyko et al., Crosscorrelation Analysis of Physiological Functions. -In: Materials of the 7th National Conference on Automated Control and Electric Measurement Methods. Novosibirsk, 1965, p. 284
  56. K. P. Buteyko, E. N. Karyshev, V. S. Sinitsyn, Employment of Cardiovascular System Correlation Method Analysis. In: Conference on the Employment of Mathematical Methods in Aviation and Space Medicine. Moscow 1965
  57. K. P. Buteyko, G. S. Lbov Medical Diagnostics as the Pattern Recognition. In: 9th Regional Research and Technology Conference Dedicated to Radio Day. Novosibirsk, 1966, pp.16-20
  58. K. P. Buteyko, S. F. Chasovskikh, D. V. Dyomin Gage Phonocardiography Data in Indirect Definition of Lesser Circuit Hypertension Levels. v In: Materials of the 4th Volga-Region Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology Conference. Saratov, 1966, v.1, p. 251
  59. K. P. Buteyko, M. P. Odintsova, D. V. Dyomin Hyper- and Hypoxemia Effects on the Arterial Vascular Tone. v Sovetskaya Meditsina, 1967, N3, p.44-49.
  60. K. P. Buteyko, S. F. Chasovskikh, Phonocardiographic Pressure Determination in the Lung Arteries. In: Blood Circuit and Gas Exchange Pathologies and Rehabilitation, issue 3. Novosibirsk, 1969, pp.125-126
  61. M. P. Odintsova, Alveolar Air Carbon Dioxide Tension Effects on the Peripheral Arteries Tone in Patients with Coronary Insufficiency and High Blood Pressure. Synopsis of the Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Medicine. - Barnaul, 1970, 20 p.
  62. Buteyko Method: Experience of introduction into a medical practice. Collected papers. Compiled by K.P. Buteyko, A.E. Khoroscho - Moscow, 1990. -224 p.
  63. Buteyko Method: Experience of introduction into a medical practice. Collected papers. 2nd edition. Compiled by K.P Buteyko. - Odessa, 1991. -232 p.
  64. International Informatzation Forum IIF-92. Synopsis of Reports, 1992 v 21p.
  65. International Informatization Forum IIF-94. Synopsis of Reports, 1995 v 40p.
  66. K.P. Buteyko, V.K. Buteyko, M.M. Buteyko A rigorous presentation of fundamentals of K.P. Buteyko's theory about a physiological role of respiration in genesis of some diseases. Voronezh: Buteyko Co Ltd; 2005, 80 pp., Dep. in VINITI, February 8th 2005, N 185--2005.
  67. K.P. Buteyko, V.K. Buteyko, M.M. Buteyko The formalized representation of fundamentals of the Buteyko theory about genesis of illness of deep respiration (section 1). Journal of theoretical and practical medicine. 2005; 3: 71-76.
  68. K.P. Buteyko, V.K. Buteyko, M.M. Buteyko The formalized representation of fundamentals of the Buteyko theory about genesis of illness of deep respiration (section 2). Journal of theoretical and practical medicine. 2005; 3: 167-173.
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